best time of year for tree trimming

The Best Time of Year to Trim Trees

As an expert arborist and tree removal company, our customers often ask about tree trimming. What is the best time of year to trim trees?

As an expert arborist and tree removal company, our customers often ask about tree trimming. What is the best time of year to trim trees? It’s not always easy to answer this question, so we have put together a helpful guide to assist you.

What Is the Best Time for Tree Trimming?

best time of year for tree trimming

Winter and early spring is typically the best time for tree trimming and pruning. Most trees remain dormant between November and March, making this time of year the ideal time to trim. Schedule professional tree services for tree trimming during this period.

It’s vital to trim certain tree species at a specific time of the year so that they thrive. Sometimes you need to plan professional tree trimming to address a problem. An expert can remove tree branches that extend from houses, sidewalks, and other places where falling branches may cause injury.

Advantages of Trimming Trees in Winter 

  1. Winter reduces the risk of pests and insects invading a tree. 
  2. With all the leaves gone, you can easily see the surrounding landscape. You can also notice what you’re doing to trim the tree correctly. 
  3. Most tree diseases remain dormant in the cold, such as oak wilt.
  4. Trees heal quickly. So, you can expect your trees to look happy and healthy when spring rolls around. 
best time of year for tree trimming

When to Trim Certain Species of Trees

Trimming trees significantly promotes their overall health. Besides encouraging strong growth and increasing fruit and flower production, trimming also improves the tree’s appearance.

Follow this guide to the best times of year to trim and prune certain trees:

Winter or Early Spring

  • Trees: oak, apple, cedar, pine, elm, fruit
  • Honey locusts
  • Hedges
  • Spruces
  • Firs 
  • Hemlocks
  • Tamarack (larches)

Spring or Early Summer

  • Trees: maple, birch, butternut, walnut
  • Arborvitae
  • Junipers
  • Yews

Best Time of Year to Trim Trees Based on Climate

A certified arborist will know when to trim various tree species based on where you live. They’ll also advise you on how to ensure your trees’ longevity. 

best time of year for tree trimming


Many trees grow all year long in subtropical climates. During tree trimming, do not remove more than 30% of live tissue in any season. By staying within this limit, you’ll help your tree to grow and bear fruit or flowers. 


In places with temperate climates, trim trees after they have completed the bulk of their growing cycle. Specifically, trim trees after winter when new growth has emerged from the buds. Any trimming now will not hinder the tree’s ability to grow later on.

Spring and Summer

Avoid the sticky mess you might experience during other seasons by trimming flowering or blooming trees in the spring or summer. Tree trimming in the spring makes identifying problematic branches and limbs easier.

Why Is Tree Trimming Important?

Routine tree trimming can improve your trees’ health by removing dead branches and diseased parts. As trees age and mature, they will require less trimming if they have received good care while growing up. Well-nourished young trees will grow into healthy trees with fewer problems.

Schedule a Consultation

We’d love to take a look at your tree situation and put together a detailed quote. Reach out today using the our online form or directly via phone. 

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